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Desert Wind Exterior
Welcome to Desert Wind Middle School

Home of the Tigers

Blended Learning Program

Join our signature program avaliable at Desert Wind and Maricopa Wells Middle School! For more information look here!

Preschool student sitting at their desk working
Tuition-Based Community Preschool

Located at all MUSD Elementary locations. Click here for more information.

Young student sitting at a table coloring
Accelerated Programs

Located at Saddleback Elementary for Kindergarten through 3rd grade students! Learn more here.

Two female students working at their desks. The student on the left is writing her math problem on a white board. The student on the right has her hand raised.
Dual Language

Available at Santa Rosa Elementary for grades Preschool through 4th. Click here to learn more!

Enroll at Maricopa Virtual Academy!

Grades 6-12, Tuition-free. Click here for further information.

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Desert Wind Middle School

Our Mission and Vision

Mission: A community of care, focused on student engagement and meaningful learning.

Vision: 100% of students reading and doing math at grade level when they leave middle school. 

Core Values: Accountability, Belonging, Collaboration

The Tiger Trio: Tigers are Respectful, Responsible, and Safe

Desert Wind Events

MUSD Highlights