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The PTO is a great way to stay involved with your child and get to know their teachers and other parents. All proceeds are used to support our school, our teachers, and students.

What do we do?

  • The PTO works to directly benefit the students at Desert Wind Middle School.
  • PTO fundraising earns money for school equipment & technology, faculty support, field trips, after-school activities, and much more!
  • Host events/fundraisers, to mention a few:
    • Dances, Spring Gala, 6th/7th/8th Grade Parties, Winter Olympics, Teacher Prank Day, Staff Appreciation, Teacher Week, Box Tops, etc.

Who are we?

A Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) that encourages interaction between families and DWMS. Our goal is to serve as a source of support, and work with teachers, staff, and the community at large to improve our children's educational experience. The PTO works closely with the school administration to meet this goal. 

How can you get involved?

Please reach out to our PTO Committee for more information.

Thank you for your interest in supporting our Tigers!

Desert Wind Middle School PTO